There is nothing more deflating for a potential home buyer than to see an outdated kitchen in a house they love. Most people who have lived through a kitchen renovation would dread doing it again. It is an expense and a hassle to live in a dusty house with no place to cook during construction.
A kitchen remodel is not a light decision so when you do think about going for it, it is a good idea to consider resale. My rule of thumb about how much to design a kitchen that someone else might like versus what you want is as follows: If you plan to live in the house for 5 years or more, design the kitchen for your taste, but if you think you may sell your home in less than 5 years it should be more neutral that will appeal to the average home buyer.
Also it is a good idea to keep the kitchen style consistent with the overall architectural style of the home. If the home is a traditional style with columns and marble floors, a clean sleek kitchen will look out of place. And likewise for a clean modern home to have a traditional, ornate kitchen would seem a bit bizarre to a potential home buyer. Potential buyers look at the house as a whole so if they like the “bones” of the house, the feeling, and style of the home a kitchen that reflects the same style and feeling will encourage them to buy.